Monday, October 12, 2009

Tracie and I: 4th of July, P.C. Fl, 2002

its been a lil' while since I went to the church Tracie was buried at....some of my fav memories of Tracie and I were actually at that graveyard.....we acted out the dear johnny scence from the movie NOW and THEN during the day light there...and then her mom drove us to the graveyard later that night and tried to get us to raise dear johnny was all a trick her mom was playing on us, and she scared the hell out of us by saying she saw something over in the woods, and then we heard scary noises(i believe it was just a cow mooing)...and we all ran and got back in the car.......we never attempted to raise dear johnny again...but i just really wanted to post a lil' something in her memory since she has been gone 7 years now, and it always makes things better just to talk about a memory of her

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